Friday 13 March 2015

The tashahhud: "at-tahiyatu lillahi Wassalawatu wattayyibat.."

The tashahhud

We say:

"at-tahiyatu lillahi"

What does this mean?
  • The meaning of "at-tahiyat" is everything that is good (all of our good deeds, our prayers, our supplications) are all for Allah- "lillahi."
  • This is an important time to remind ourselves of the importance of iklaas/sincerity- that we are doing everything purely and sincerely for Allah. All of these good things are not so that we can have fame, reputation, or feel good in front of others, or so our parents are happy. No, these good things are solely and completely for the pleasure of Allah.
  • All of the good things we do,the "at-tahiyyat", they are for Allah.
"Wassalawatu wattayyibat"- And our prayers and good things, they are for Allah alone.
  • This is the meaning of the start of the tashahhud, "at-tahiyyatu lillahi, was-salawatu, wat-tayyibat"         
  • Let's say it with sincerity and think about the meaning while we say it Inshaa'Allaah. We cannot gain true khushoo if we do not understand what we are saying in our prayers/salat.
  • Ibn al-Qayyim, may Allaah have mercy on him, said: "It was said: what do you say concerning the prayer of one who has no khushoo', does he have to repeat it or not? With regard to whether it will count for the purposes of reward, it will not be counted, except for [the parts] where one is focused and has the correct attitude of khushoo' towards one's Lord.

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